Drug-resistant bacteria hindering Basu's recovery

KOLKATA, 8th January, 2010 : Three highly drug-resistant bacteria are responsible for the pneumonia infection Basu is suffering from, according to a critical care specialist at the AMRI hospital.

A bronchoscopy confirmed the presence of acinatobactor, paseudomonas and klebselia bacteria, Sursut Banerjee of the AMRI said. “We have sent the samples to the laboratory for culture sensitivity and a report is expected tomorrow... After receiving the report, we will determine the exact type of anti-biotic to be administered to check the infection,” Banerjee said, adding insertion of Riles, oxygen and oral tubes in the last three or four days might have caused fresh infection.
Stating that Basu’s condition was still critical, Banerjee said his blood pressure was 130/70-80. “His urination and heart beat are normal and his brain is responding,” the doctor said. He said the former chief minister was not given sedatives during the day. “He is on partial ventilation,” he said.

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